Monday, August 14, 2006

I've had this blog set up for quite some time, but I've never posted to it until now... probably because I never had anything worth posting. Thankfully, my life finally has a little spice to it!

As of August 4th, 2006, I am a happily married man.

Our wedding was held at a small wedding chapel up the road in Bay Minette, AL. The service itself was beautiful, but the reception they had afterwards was kind of scary.

First, let me preface by saying that neither I, nor Stacy, nor my family or friends, nor her family or friends, like country music. The same can be said for karaoke... we're not karaoke people. So when we met with the lady who owns the chapel, as soon as she suggested karaoke we shot it down. Instead, we said, we would supply our own music. So we spent several days picking just the right music, selecting the order it would go in, and so forth. We also made the music part of the wedding theme, by creating about 50 keepsake CD's that people could take home, that contained the music from our ceremony.

Fast forward to the wedding day. Again, beautiful ceremony. After we get all the post-wedding stuff taken care of (pictures, etc) we come out and put our first cd in. Our first dance song comes on, and we begin to dance. After that we had the father-daughter dance, and then the mother-son dance. And then the reverend comes up and pops the cd out and picks up a microphone and says, "all right, y'all, let's do some karaoke!" and proceeds to pop in a karaoke cd of country music.

First the reverend sings a song or two, and then asks if anybody else wants to sing. Of course, nobody does. So the photographer comes up and she starts singing. Apparently she's an aspiring country music writer, because she sings this song she wrote. The song is about this woman who's been married to the same guy for 50 years, and he's a hard-drinkin', sleepin'-around, ass-kickin' redneck son-of-a-bitch. So the wife kills him.

No shit, that's exactly what she sang at our wedding.

To make matters worse, neither Stacy nor I could get away to talk with our friends or relax... the photographer kept following us around, snapping pictures. She took so many pictures that I bet if you were to make a flip-book out of them, you could almost watch a video of the wedding. She took literally hundreds, possibly thousands, of pictures. I know that once we get the pictures we'll be grateful for the time and effort she took, but while she was taking them, we were getting annoyed. We just wanted a break of five minutes or so where we didn't have to deal with a flash bulb going off in our faces.

Anyway, that was our wedding. We followed it up with a trip to Tunica, MS to get our gamble on, and to Memphis TN to play the tourist. I dropped WAY too much money in the slots, until I found a nice Star Wars penny slot machine that let me play for a while. In Memphis we went to Graceland, where I got a great picture of the TV that Elvis shot out, and we also went to see the Peabody ducks and the Civil Rights Museum. We finally dragged into town on Tuesday night (August 8th) and I went back to work on Thursday.


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